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Our Story

Starting in 1990 Miss Tess Post founded "Miss Post's School of Ballet" in Salem Virginia.

She created a program to focus on teaching standards that allowed dancers from our area become professional dancers: her success is our story.

Her school became the Dance Center of Southwest Virginia for some years but in 2009, under Miss Smeltzer until Pedro Szalay and Mark Shepheard changed the name and moved it to the Riverdale Area in Roanoke City Virginia. They created the welcoming, expansive, bright and customized dance space that is  tailored for ballet dancers and other performing arts that we all know and love. They were thinking of a way to allow for our artform to have access to the spaces the professional grade spaces that dancers have in other bigger cities. Together with the talent of professional, local, national and international faculty it was the one ingredient missing to allow Roanoke to thrive towards the future.

 After many generations of successful professional dancers or professionals in all areas of life becoming successful and kind people, we are still here using dance and The Arts as a way to form outstanding members of our community locally, nationally and in some cases also internationally.  Welcome to Star City School of Ballet. Please feel right at home.


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